Goals in progress for today: #3 Have a meal/coffee/visit with a friend or family member twice a month, and #5 Document my year by taking a picture (with me in it!) every week.
I love my knitting group. I've met fantastic people and have made great friends. I've mentioned before that my friend Jessica is working on losing weight and has created a blog dedicated to that goal. She and I went to Zumba together last Tuesday and we'll be going on Tuesdays for a while. It was the first time I'd ever been to a Zumba class and I'd heard from tons of people how fun it was. Let me tell you my thoughts on it: It. Was. Awful. I have absolutely no rhythm or coordination, and I had no idea what was going on or how to do the steps the instructor was doing. I'll be going back because I'm supporting Jessica (and because I need to exercise more) and also because I've been told it gets easier the more you go. I guess we shall see.
On Friday our friends Eric and Jolene hosted an Ugly Christmas Sweater party. I'd never been to one before and let me just say, it was awesome!! There were a bunch of people there so I'm counting it as my final #3 Have a meal/coffee/visit with a friend or family member twice a month for December. Eric and Jo are great hosts and know how to make everyone have a good time, and they didn't disappoint. There was a white elephant gift exchange and the absolute best gift ever was given: a Shake Weight. Have you seen these things?! They're hilarious!!! It was a huge hit, so whoever brought it did a great job. The BF won the prize for the best ugly sweater. It was the wife beater underneath that pushed it over the top. Here are a few pictures from the night:
For this week's #5 Document my year by taking a picture (with me in it!) every week I'm going to put up a picture of me holding the BF's prize for winning best ugly sweater. It's a flamingo ornament.
That's all for now. Happy holidays everyone!
I know we've told you this multiple times, but you really are looking awesome.